We are so much more than just a dance studio.
At VidaDance Studio, we foster an atmosphere that nurtures and promotes health, wellness, strength and success. Dance classes for teens and kids enrolled in our Accelerated Dance Program are part of this innovative youth program. Each dance class ends with short discussions focusing on specific topics geared toward empowering and inspiring our students to be successful in every area of their lives, and maintain healthy habits and relationships.
BeyondDance™ is a youth program in Johnson County that utilizes dance to teach life skills. The process of learning dance teaches our students to set and achieve goals, to work effectively in teams, to creatively solve problems, to be more compassionate and helpful, along with many other personal attributes. We incorporate many of the core values and lessons that are focused on in youth programs around the world in our proprietary BeyondDance™ curriculum.
We know that while only a small percentage of our students will become professional dancers or continue dancing throughout their lives, all of them will become professionals in the workforce. At VidaDance Studio, we are committed to helping them become the most successful, healthy, and well-rounded people possible.